
POST AMERICANA #2 takes this Mad Max inspired story to an entirely new, exciting level.

Review: POST AMERICANA #2 – Why Sticking Together Is The Key To Survival

POST AMERICANA #2, available in comic book stores on Wednesday, January 27th, explores more of the post-apocalyptic land formerly known as the United States of America. The renegade Mike met the badass Carolyn last issue while attempting to navigate the American wasteland. Now the duo find themselves prisoners of an interesting group: wasteland cannibals.


After the long diatribe by the dome’s leaders, we find a disoriented Mike attempting to make sense of his surroundings. The escapee asks Carolyn, who’s currently out of view from the reader, explains the dire predicament they now find themselves in.


But before he can take action Mike finally looks in Carolyn’s direction. And to his utter shock, she’s missing all of her limbs. But what actually lead to her predicament?

Steve Skroce’s writing is unsettling in both its shock value and dystopian vision of the United States’s future. Yet this makes this form of storytelling all the more engaging. The fast-paced, action-packed narrative offers ample opportunity for effective characterization. Despite the prevalence of a “rugged individualistic” mindset, our protagonists will learn than working together is the only path forward.


The illustrations in this issue contain the quirky, surreal flair that many lines out of Image Comics have come to be known for. Skroce’s penciling and ink work depicts sprawling landscapes of ruined buildings and former landmarks that show the poor conditions the communities now find themselves in. Among this number are Carolyn and Mike, whose bloodied bruises and cuts stand out vibrantly with colorist Dave Stewart’s bright reds. In addition, Fonografiks’s lettering does an effective job of conveying the sounds of each scene using eye catching oversized fonts.


POST AMERICANA #2 takes this Mad Max inspired story to an entirely new, exciting level. We can’t wait to see what other challenges Carolyn and Mike face as they venture deeper into the former American heartland.

Do you think Carolyn and Mike will finally ditch the cannibals and take on the new U.S. government? Let us know in the comments below!

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.
POST AMERICANA #2 takes this Mad Max inspired story to an entirely new, exciting level.Review: POST AMERICANA #2 - Why Sticking Together Is The Key To Survival