Monkeys Fighting Robots

No. 1 With A Bullet #5 takes the story in a new direction with a nifty twist you probably didn’t see coming.

No.1 With A BulletNo. 1 With A Bullet #5
Written by: Jacob Semahn
Art by: Jorge Corona
Colors by: Jen Hickman
Lettered/Designed by: Steve Wands

The hunt is on for Violet Reynolds! Who will find her first? Nash…or the police? As Grover circles closer to the answer, Nash makes a frighting discover that changes everything. 

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This is a comic that has slowly been playing its cards, building toward a truly mysterious hand. In this issue, Jacob Semahn seemingly plays one of the aces up his sleeve. It won’t be spoiled here (as always, READ THE BOOK!) but suffice to say it takes everything we have seen and known before and flips it a bit. We also get a bit more focus and moments with Detective Grover, which lends this issue a nice ‘noir’ feel.No.1 With A Bullet

Not that Nash and her central story take a back seat, as – like last issue – we continue to get more insight into her thoughts and feelings. Semahn writes some very moving flashback scenes between Violet and Nash (a New Year’s Eve date on a Ferris Wheel is particularly good), as well as a few more nightmarish hallucinations that give this issue an almost horror story vibe.

But it’s the cliffhanger that once again gets you, and once again gives that ‘Holy Shit!’ moment this book has given before. It’s a twist will make you question a lot of what has been seen and happened before, and that is one of the most important qualities in a developing mystery.


Jorge Corona, Jen Hickman, and Steve Wands also once again do a fantastic job with the art. Corna’s figures and line work are expressive and unique. And the palette and contrast here REALLY play up the noir feel, especially in the scenes with Grover. The art team seems to converge more and more with each issue. This book really does have a look and feel of its own.


Don’t be the last one to get on this title. It may not be this week’s ‘most talked about book’ or ‘internet breaking issue’, but No.1 With A Bullet has been delivering a solid, involving mystery that will completely engage any reader.No.1 With A Bullet

Manuel Gomez
Manny Gomez is a freelance writer based out of South Florida's west coast. He loves comics, horror movies and punk rock.
review-no-1-with-a-bullet-5No. 1 With A Bullet #5 takes the story in a new direction with a nifty twist you probably didn't see coming and it continues to be one of the most unique looking books out now.