Join DC Comics this Wednesday on a gorgeous trip through time in Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2; no Rip Hunter time machine necessary.
You may not need a time machine, but if you need a refresher, check out the previous issue’s review!

Plot of The Ages
Writer Brian Michael Bendis concludes Rose/Thorn’s time-spanning trip through the DC Universe, ending in the 31st-century; the thriving era of the Legion of Superheroes team. This is no surprise, as it’s literally called Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2. Plus, toted as a lead-up to the new series. That in mind, it’s more about the journey, not the destination.
Sadly this journey isn’t near as diverse, or mystery driven as the first issue.
With the introduction of Rose/Thorn’s immortal mystery in the first issue, Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2 takes that plot nowhere. Bendis has Rose/Thorn aimlessly moping around time. As a character, she is so bland that any other person would have worked as well, or better. It seems she was used to not mess with other well-known characters. Or, showing DC still cares for their characters from varying futures.
Essentially Rose/Thorn has given up finding out why she is immortal, or what’s transpiring. But she does seek out the Legion. Hopefully, these questions are the reason.

Legion of Colorists
Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2 features a multitude of artists and colorists, but not which page they worked on. Like the first, DC Comics lists their names in order they appear. But, the number of colorists aren’t equal to the artists. So, sadly we aren’t able to match who’s with who, instead here are the two colorists name: Tomeu Morey, and Jordie Bellaire.
The Art/Colors of The Future
Each artist/colorist brings their absolute best pencil (or digital pen) to Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2. The art carries the pace and weight of the story throughout, hitting harder than any of the dialogue/story.
Nicola Scott’s art fits magnificently with Booster Gold’s Space Museum story. Her story is dialogue-heavy, but she makes the most of it. Having the characters conversation take place as a walkthrough of the Museum, Scott showcases holograms of past memorable DC Comics moments. The colors for this era are bright and popping, mimicking the stories they portray.
Bursting into the scene is Jim Cheung’s OMAC era. Cheung beautifully illustrates this opening double-page spread. Cheung is able to make OMAC look corny like his initial debut, yet terrifying at the same time. Color-wise, the OMAC era relies more on grays, while keeping OMAC bright blue.
As great as the other artist pencils are, Jeff Dekal’s pages should be printed, laminated, framed, and put upon your wall. Dekal’s double-page spreads should have more than the four pages allotted. Each page feels like a work of art between the sublime moments being showcased, and out of this world colors. The dialogue for these pages changes colors for Rose/Thorn when either is talking, which looks impressive.
For the 31-century is 2019’s Legion of Superheroes artist—Ryan Sook. The five pages dedicated to this era show why Sook was chosen as the ongoing series artist and designer. As his work is easy to follow, yet has a myriad of details.

Letters Seen in The Futures
As with most Bendis stories, there is a lot of words. Seriously, a lot. Letterer Dave Sharpe does his best to help guide the reader through the dense moments. But, in some cases it’s hard to follow, or it covers up the art.
Welcome Back Legion of Superheroes
The story does has a few fun moments, but Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #2 overall plot lacks. When reading through it it reads like a grocery list, alas, the art makes it worth the look through.
Memorable Quote: “I hope she poops my panties and goes catatonic.” – Rose
This was one of the only moments Rose/Thorn’s character shined through. Which, is a bummer, as she is a fun character that can be played in fun, interesting ways.
Reader of The Future
What have you thought of the lead-up story to the Legion of Superheroes series? Let us know below!