11 Reasons You Are A Bastich If You Don’t Read ‘Justice League of America’ #6

"Looks like God never met a Czarnian" -Lobo

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The newly formed Justice League of America are in the midst of fighting the villain Aegeus in the heart of Penn City. Armed with weapons powered by folklore, Aegeus, and his minions have proved to be a formidable threat; enslaving citizens and nearly killing the “Main Man” himself, the “bastich” known as Lobo. But nearly killing the Last Czarnian is not the same as killing him, a fact Aegeus is about to find out the hard way.Justice League of America

Justice League of America #6
“Heart of a Bastich Part 2”
Written by:
Steve Orlando
Art by:
Andy MacDonald
Colors by:

Published by: DC Comics

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Steve Orlando has injected life and energy into this version of the Justice League of America. What could have been just another 90s nostalgia attention grab has proven to be a stroke of genius, as adding Lobo to this title and making him central to this story has made me an instant fan of the Rebirth JLA. Read on for 11 reasons that Justice League of America is one of this week’s most fun reading experiences.Justice League of America

  1. The throwback style cover with world balloons and a kind of actual narrative. (Reminds me of not only the Silver Age but also the GREAT Brian Bolland Flash covers from the Johns/Kolins era)
  2. The Ray’s “light armor” suits he outfits the JLA with. Great use of his power!
  3. A powerful full page spread of The Ray ripping out Lobo’s heart.
  4. The energy producing layouts and art by Andy MacDonald.
  5. Digital coloring here is actually an incredible asset.
  6. All the various bad-ass moments for every character. Especially The Atom’s (Ryan Choi). This is some great COMICS storytelling.
  7. Killer Frost’s shocking moment, and her genuine horrified reaction to it.
  8. How Batman and Lobo’s relationship continues to be both funny, unique and deeper than you would ever think.
  9. “Ray any update on Lobo?”-Batman. “He’s making noises.”-The Ray. “Good.”–Batman.
  10. The relentless action-packed narrative. Steve Orlando has written one GREAT exciting issue that reads with tons of energy and pop.
  11. “Now I got somethin’ ta finish up. Ya might want ta avert yer eyes.”-LoboJustice League of America

Alright Wednesday Warriors, there you have it. Seriously, JLA became one of my favorite current titles with this storyline. You’ll love it if you are an old school Lobo fan, and if you’re not, I guarantee it will make you one. Now go and read it ya Bastich!

Manuel Gomez
Manny Gomez is a freelance writer based out of South Florida's west coast. He loves comics, horror movies and punk rock.
review-justice-league-of-america-6The 'League' title you need to be reading!