
Prince's brilliant writing in HAHA #1 combines elements of drama and horror in this engaging one-shot story.

Review: HAHA #1 – Is It Rational To Be Happy In A Sad World?

From the brilliant mind of writer W. Maxwell Prince comes a new series in HAHA #1, available in comic book stores on Wednesday, January 13th. In this classic style of one-shot storytelling, readers take a look at the inner life of a true-blue clown. But it’s not all jokes and red noses. Life can be difficult, especially for a clown. But sometimes staying positive can bring unexpected surprises.


This inaugural issue introduces us to a clown named Bart in the first few panels. His family, a wife named Brenda and two children, watch him prepare for work from their breakfast table. While the children greet him cheerfully, Brenda bemoans his chosen profession (something that appears to be a daily occurrence).


He soon learns he’s losing his job; his place of work, Funville, isn’t fairing well in today’s modern world. What’s more, a former employee and a group of nefarious individuals seem to be eying his severance check.

But Bart refuses to give into the negativity. In him  readers find a person defying the harsh aspects of reality—someone they may even admire. But whether this defiance turns out to be a bold stand or a rejection of reality remains to be seen.

Prince’s brilliant writing combines elements of drama and horror in this engaging one-shot story. It’s an issue detailing the life of an individual who dares to be happy in a world that seems completely against him. It’s up to the reader to decide whether he’s a model for us, or in denial.


Vanesa Del Ray’s penciling and ink work, Chris O’Halloran’s coloring, and Good Old Neon’s lettering came together beautifully in this first issue. The characters and settings seamlessly shift from quasi-realistic styling to surreal, warped versions of that reality. These are brought to life through an effective use of bright colors against duller backgrounds, which helps emphasize Bart’s positivity in a world of indifference. And the lettering complements these illustrations wonderfully—their squiggly styles add just the right amount of eerie vibes.


HAHA #1 is the intriguing and thrilling story fans have come to expect from this creative team. We’re anxiously waiting for the next installment in this engaging new series.

Do you think there’s something supernatural going on with this particular clown? Let us know in the comments below!

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.
Prince's brilliant writing in HAHA #1 combines elements of drama and horror in this engaging one-shot story.Review: HAHA #1 - Is It Rational To Be Happy In A Sad World?