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DEADPOOL #4 by Skottie Young, Scott Hepburn, and Ian Herring brings the Merc With A Mouth back into Weirdworld for a job. And things for Wade get…WEIRD!

A merc job leads Deadpool to one of the strangest corners of the Marvel U…WEIRDWORLD! Not only that, he’s fallen into a TIME STORM! Oh no, not a Time Storm!!! Anything but a Time Storm!!! Wait…what’s a Time Storm? Monsters! Sorceresses! Man-Things! Romance! Time Storms!Deadpool

Deadpool #4
Written by: Skottie Young
Art: Scott Hepburn
Colors by: Ian Herring
Letters by: Jeff Eckleberry

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Deadpool #4, like the issues before it, was one fun ride of a comic book. Skottie Young, no stranger to irreverent humor in his other work, has a knack for capturing the manic zaniness Deadpool is capable of as a character. Most of the jokes and bits land well, and if they don’t, the sheer barrage of them keeps it going anyway.

Hydra Bob and Negasonic are also written well, with the two of them having a couple of funny moments together. Hydra Bob is actually a highlight in the issue. Deadpool

Young also had the great idea of tossing Deadpool into Weirdworld (a fun and underused concept.) The pure batshit craziness of Weirdworld is a perfect match for Young (and Deadpool’s) penchant for hilarity. Much of this is pretty fucking funny. Plus, you know multiple Man-Things!

It’s not all laughs though, as there’s still some solid action and fights on display, allowing for some more good old gory Wade Wilson dismemberment and regenerating.


The art team of Hepburn and Herring do very strong work together. The anatomy and expressions are exaggerated, but it fits well with the tone of the story. Plus these guys do gross pretty well, something important in a DP book. Throw in dynamic layouts and a bright color palette that adds vibrancy and energy, and you have one hell of a nice looking book. Deadpool


Deadpool #4 is a wonderfully weird comic that will make you laugh. The creative team captures the spark and energy that makes Wade Wilson one of today’s more enduring anti-heroes.


Manuel Gomez
Manny Gomez is a freelance writer based out of South Florida's west coast. He loves comics, horror movies and punk rock.
review-deadpool-4'Deadpool' #4 is a wonderfully weird comic that will make you laugh. The creative team captures the spark and energy that makes Wade Wilson one of today's more enduring anti-heroes.