
An anticipated revealing of how Arthur Curry "died." DeConnick's writing is as fluid as the water surrounding the characters.

Review: AQUAMAN #49 Reveals How Arthur Curry “Died”

Arthur Curry, a.k.a. Aquaman, met the powerful oceanic deity known as Mother Shark last issue and continues to probe her for answers to his past. The hero desperately needs to know how he died after the events of DC’s Drowned Earth event. Fortunately, Mother Shark is ready to answer this query but with a warning that the memory could leave him devastated.

An Aquatic Love Story Gone Wrong

Kelly Sue DeConnick dives into the second part of AQUAMAN’S Mother Shark storyline by featuring a deep conversation between the deity and our hero. Mother Shark begins by posing an important question: Out of all the poor souls who’ve lost their lives at sea, why did she save him? This gives Arthur great pause as he recollects the most memorable moments in his life, but each memory comes back to one person: Mera.

Mother Shark speaks with Arthur about Mera


It is here readers get to relive some of the most intimate moments between the couple, experiencing the highs and lows of their relationship. One feels the pangs of loss as Arthur slowly realizes that the love of his life was somehow involved in his death.

DeConnick continues prying open these forgotten memories throughout the issue and eventually reveals the sequence of events leading to Arthur’s supposed death. It’s exciting to read a story that starts slow and smoothly builds up to the secret’s unveiling. This is definitely a story AQUAMAN readers will not want to miss.

Breathtaking Artwork

Viktor Bogdanovic’s penciling and inking, coupled with Daniel Henriques, Jonathan Glapion, and Ryan Winn’s additional ink work, provide incredible details to the underwater world, whether it be the Atlantean throne room or the depictions of Arthur’s classic superhero suit. And with Sunny Gho’s coloring readers are able to feel fully immersed in this aquatic landscape.

Clayton Cowles’ letters continue to prove worthy of this comic, especially the bubble-like styling he applies to Mother Shark’s speech balloons.

Mera, the Queen of Atlantis

The Comic Cover Art

Robson Rocha, Alex Sinclair, and Henriques’ main cover artwork features a skeletal version of Arthur kissing Mera on their wedding day, alluding to the death the hero recalls throughout this issue. Josh Middleton’s variant edition adds more life to Arthur as he swims across waves in triumphal fashion.


AQUAMAN #49 delivers on the answers the series promised readers many issues ago. But this reveal was well-worth the wait. We’re excited to see what Arthur does with his newly restored memories.

What did you think about Arthur’s death mystery reveal? Let us know in the comments below!

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.
An anticipated revealing of how Arthur Curry "died." DeConnick's writing is as fluid as the water surrounding the characters.Review: AQUAMAN #49 Reveals How Arthur Curry "Died"