The red band trailer for the film adaptation of Daniel Clowes’ graphic novel, Wilson, has been released. The original book used a series of one-page comic strips to tell a longer tale of a misanthrope and perpetual loner Wilson, as he navigates through life, constantly at odds with everything around him. Published in 2010, it was also Clowes’ first work that was not serialized as single issues first. Judging from the trailer, the movie seems to have a more straightforward narrative, but the Clowes sense of humor appears intact. Previous Clowes adaptations include Ghost World and Art School Confidential.
Wilson stars Woody Harrelson, Laura Dern, and Isabella Amara, and is directed by Craig Johnson (Skeleton Twins) with a script by Daniel Clowes himself. The film is produced by Fox Searchlight. It is scheduled to premier March 24, 2017.
Here is the trailer: