Punk Rock Jesus #1 Sean Murphy creates a book worthy of Vertigo’s Namesake

Punk Rock Jesus #1

Story and Art By Sean Murphy

Punk Rock Jesus is a book that’s extremely ambitious but never falters under the weight of any of its huge concepts. It blows away any expectations you may have and in place creates a fully realized world along with characters that are well-rounded and are fully realized already by the end of issue one.


Sean Murphy starts the issue off in the past explaining the story of one of the main characters and quickly then drops you into the center of a future that seems all too likely today. In our current society where Reality Television is still getting watched by millions of people and Snooki and The Kardashians are seen as celebrities Sean Murphy’s take on the future hits very close to home.

In this world scientist’s have managed to recreate Jesus Christ through the miracle of cloning. They try out tons of Virgin women to carry the child through the same process as American Idol and with their choice made start filming the pregnancy and eventual second coming of Jesus. I know that sounds like a crazy and ridiculous concept but in the hand of Sean Murphy it becomes a very complex and intelligent opportunity to tell a greater story. Murphy approaches his story from every possible angle. You will see the political and religious aspects played out as well as what happens when a corporation and TV Studio fund a project such as this.

Sean Murphy’s artwork had always been amazing. However his art here feel so fresh and unique. The pages are all in black and white and are printed on non glossy pulp paper. His layouts are extremely detailed and the city and world he’s created are believable because of his work. Characters all look unique and varied, and he experiments with several different styles and shading techniques throughout the book. Simply put its beautiful stuff.

Sean Murphy’s amazing artwork in Punk Rock Jesus #1


I went into Punk Rock Jesus with no expectations. I knew nothing about the story or script. After reading issue #1 I have to say I’m blown away with what I’ve read so far. The books full of nice twists and turns and already has a strong stable of characters that you care for and identify with. Vertigo was always considered a company that produced unique and amazing books. I think that’s something they put to the wayside over the last few years but with the arrival of this book I can safely say that’s the case again.  I strongly believe this has the makings to be a cult hit if not the next “Big Thing” for movie studios to bid over getting the rights to. Run out buy this book and happily read it and wait for the next issue. I know I sound completely in love with this book and it’s because I am but don’t blame me, blame Sean Murphy for setting the bar so damn high with this first issue that I had no choice but to fall in love with it.

Review Score: 10/10

Mike DeVivo

Follow me on Twitter @pandasandrobots

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.