Having just hit a major milestone in accumulating over three million concurrent players on Steam, PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Corp. is looking to expand not only beyond PC and the Xbox console, but to other gaming consoles, as well as Hollywood.
In a recent interview with invenglobal, ‘PUBG’ Corp. CEO Chang-Han Kim stated that he would like the game to become a ‘universal media franchise’ with a final goal of launching on every playing platform and, eventually, bring some kind of adaptation to either a streaming service or even to movie theaters worldwide.
“We are still in the stage of learning the console development environment and console gamers’ tastes,” Han Kim said. “We need to think about other platforms after evaluating and completing the Xbox One version first.”
Currently, across the PC and Xbox platforms, the game has over 30 million players worldwide. There are also plans to develop PUBG eSports Championships and maybe even animation or cartoon projects as well. The success of the game becoming an eSports title hinges also on the question of whether it is as thrilling to watch as it is to play. Shorter answer: It is. Streamers and YouTubers have captivated their audiences by showing off impressive mission victories, surgically-precise plays and ambush-type tactics on opponents, which make for great watches.
We don’t know for sure whether a structured and scripted movie would have the same mass-appeal as watching it via platforms like Steam or Twitch. The game is so much fun to watch because everything is unrehearsed and completely and utterly unexpected and chaotic. All things considered, it might not be certain this game would translate well to the big-screen. By all means, prove us wrong, but please don’t give us another Street Fighter.
In all, look for PUBG Corp. to bring the game to other platforms first, because it is apparently still a ways off from landing on the Playstation 4, before considering the road to Hollywood.