New Creative Team for ‘Doctor Strange’ #381

In the wake of Marvel Legacy, the company is pulling out all the stops in an effort to ensure that their titles are at the top of there game. To this end, the studio plans to introduce a new creative team to the Doctor Strange series in November.

The team will consist of Donny Cates (God Country) as writer, and Gabriel Hernandez Walta as artist with Jordie Bellaire as the colorist. Walta and Bellaire are known for providing the art for the highly recommended series, The Vision.

The journey the team is planning to take Doctor Strange on will have him facing off with Thor’s mischievous brother Loki. Loki has stolen the Doctor’s title of being Sorcerer Supreme and it will be up to Stephen to find a way to get it back. Cates has insisted the story will have twists and turns to it which even the most dedicated of fan will not see coming. Fans will have to wait until November to see if this claim rings true.


Are you excited for the news about this team taking on Doctor Strange? Leave a comment below and let us know.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.