Marvel announced Tuesday, an ongoing series for the character Gwenpool starting in April. The Unbelievable Gwenpool has the creative team of Christopher Hastings and Gurihiru.
About Gwenpool: Gwen Poole used to be a comic book reader just like you…until one day she woke up INSIDE the Marvel Universe! Now the characters she read about are all real! But they can’t be really real, right? This must all be fake, or a dream or something right? You know what that means – NO CONSEQUENCES! First order of business, get a costume and start fighting crime. Why? Because that’s what everyone who has a solo series does!
“The series is a lot about her believing she’s in a fictional world with no consequences,” says series writer Hastings, speaking with Entertainment Weekly. “She’s seen everyone come back to life at some point, and it sort of seems like she’s living in a video game. And then the book is going to be the universe fighting back at that. Like, ‘you can’t really get away with everything’ is kind of the struggle there.”