‘Infamous Iron Man’ #7: It’s Good To Be DOOM

Following the events of both Secret Wars and Civil War II, Victor Von Doom has found a new lot in life. He’s turned over a new leaf, atoning for his previous life of sin, he’s filling in for Tony Stark as one of the two Iron Men. Von Doom’s brand of justice is in full effect in Infamous Iron Man #7, proving it’s good to be bad DOOM.

Infamous Iron Man 7 cvr

***Spoilers Lie Ahead***


Longtime enemy, Ben Grimm AKA “The Thing”, has been investigating Doom for S.H.I.E.L.D. They come face-to-face after Von Doom rounds up a record number of heavy hitting villains. Victor opens up to Ben (and pretty much anybody else that’ll listen these days) about a number of things, including the Richards’ family.

While writer Brian Michael Bendis’ other Iron Man title (Invincible Iron Man) has been the subject of controversy and criticism, Infamous Iron Man has been an extremely fun comic flying under the radar. Bendis hasn’t been producing the strongest lineup of Marvel books recently, barring his Iron Man work which has all been top-notch.

The all-powerful Dr. Doom, reformed as a brutal new hero. He’s got his tech, Stark’s tech, and all his mystic power he’s always wielded. Doom is one dangerous Iron Man. Infamous #7 gives us the perspective of Marvel’s other villains as they react to Doom’s sudden change of heart.

infamous iron man 7 villains

Readers are invited to a meeting between some major criminals as they discuss and plot. It’s an absolute joy when Doom himself shows up and handles the lot of them. Dialogue is the key to the issues two brightest moments, the first being the secret meeting and the second being Grimm and Doom’s intimate exchange.

Before jumping into Stark’s now vacant shoes, there was a lot of mystery surrounding Von Doom and his intentions. Now he’s willing to open up to anybody willing to listen. Moments like the one here with one of his oldest enemies are crucial to this series. Hearing Doom spill his heart a little bit about Reed and the family’s current status, and how he did nothing to help them, grants sympathy to a character readers rarely show emotions from before.

infamous iron man 7 grimm

The art team also more than pulls their weight in making this book a lot of fun. Like their legendary Daredevil run, Bendis and Alex Maleev prove to be an always effective collaboration. Matt Hollingsworth completes the trifecta as his coloring breathes life into every panel. The pages loaded up with villains are especially satisfying. The long conversations that commonly occur in this series are drawn energetically and never as dull as they could have easily been from a lesser art team.

Infamous Iron Man continues to be an exciting and effective comic book. Every issue thus far has been extremely fun without rehashing the tropes of “bad guy gone good”. Brian Michael Bendis might not be the most popular comic writer around right now, but his Iron Man work deserves your attention.

Do you think Doom has really reformed? Do you like the series so far? Is this Bendis’ best current comic book? Let us know in the comments below!

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffinhttps://twitter.com/griffunk
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk