I’d Buy That For A Dollar: COMICS SCENE MAGAZINE #25 (April 1991)

Welcome to ‘I’d Buy That For A Dollar’ a column where I will be exploring the weird and wonderful world of dollar bin diving. The only rule is each and every comic is purchased for one dollar (or less!).

This week is the final column of 2019, and I wanted to do something a little different. Instead of a comic, I’m going to highlight Comics Scene, an almost monthly comics magazine published by Starlog. Specifically, issue #25, by far one of the ones I remember most fondly. Comics Scene was a cool publication and you should definitely deep dive into them online or hunt them down in bins.

Comics Scene #25 (April 1991)

Comics Scene
Here’s the issue. Note the $4.50 price!!!

That’s a hell of a 90s looking cover. We got Youngblood popping out at you and Ghost Rider heating up the upper corner box art (a nice touch!). You can also check out what else is inside with that sidebar (something both Fangoria and Starlog both also did). The Crow?! Fuck yes.


Here’s the table of contents.

Comics Scene
Love the Larsen Spidey!

Like all magazines, Comics Scene has a letters page but they also threw in New Yorker style cartoons.Comics Scene

I was also surprised to find this issue had a somewhat angry letter from Peter Laird (co-creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) about a previous TMNT related article.

Comics Scene

So the main piece in this issue is Youngblood, and boy is there some great stuff. Just take a look at the sampling (the interview with Rob Liefeld is worth a read if you can find it. I tried to find it online but couldn’t).

Comics Scene
That classic Youngblood #1 image.
Comics Scene
I always liked seeing B&W, rough pencils.

The other big takeaway in Comics Scene #25 is a feature on the original The Crow comic. This is before the film (in fact the article mentions a script has just only been written).

Comics Scene
An iconic image of The Crow.

Comics Scene

The last article I want to highlight is about Erik Larsen, who was drawing Amazing Spider-Man at the time. He talks a bit about the difficulties of a post-McFarlane Spidey and his own love of comics. Larsen is always good in interviews.

Comics Scene

Comics Scene
Again some great B&W linework!

The rest of the issue also has features on Luke Cage, Animal Man, an interview with artist John Bolton and a random piece on Disney’s animated Beauty & The Beast.

Finding this makes me want to seek out more. Comics Scene has a nice feel that’s different from Wizard Magazine (the main rag at the time) and it’s nice to see their take on that oh so crazy time that was comics in the 90s!

You can find great dollar bins at almost every local comic shop. So find a shop, ask a comic clerk and start bin diving!

Got your own awesome dollar bin finds? Toss them at me! 
Send emails to manny@monkeysfightingrobots.com
Follow me on Instagram: _idbuythatforadollar_
Tweet at me: @MannyG1138


Manuel Gomez
Manuel Gomez
Manny Gomez is a freelance writer based out of South Florida's west coast. He loves comics, horror movies and punk rock.