Five Great DC Comics Events Perfect For The Next CW ‘Arrowverse’ Crossover


Now that Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow have all ended their respective seasons, we have nothing to do but wait and anticipate what kind of DC inspired fun the CW will bring the Arrowverse in the fall. Of course, each show will have their own stories, but as promised to us after the highly successful Invasion! crossover, we can certainly expect a yearly multi-show event bringing all our heroes together. With that in mind, I searched the multiverse of my mind (with a little help from this Monitor like thing called ‘The Internet’) and chose five great, classic DC events/crossovers the CW can bring us next. Of course, there would have to be changes and adaptations made were applicable but all of these are malleable enough they could work. Read on, enjoy, and as always comment and discuss below!
*Writers note: I purposely left Crisis on Infinite Earths off the list. That is the big daddy of them all, and honestly, could work as a great solo event miniseries (a topic for a whole other article!)

3Final Night

The sun dying in Final Night would be one hell of a challenge for our heroes, and it’s something that would clearly bring everyone together. You could easily introduce The Sun Eater on Legends of Tomorrow, having the entity working its way across galaxies. You can bring in Supergirl and all the Earth-38 characters when it is revealed Krypton or Daxam once dealt with a Sun Eater. And yes it is Hal Jordan as Parallax that sacrifices himself to reignite the sun in the comics, but it’s a role that could easily be given to Ray Palmer as The Atom. Ray could use his dwarf star-powered suit to bring back the sun, and sacrifice his life (even if it is tempory) and saving the day.