At San Diego Comic Con International, Dark Horse Comics announced today a scratch-and-sniff bookmark contest in support of the acclaimed FIGHT CLUB 2 mini-series, which is written by Chuck Palahniuk, illustrated by Cameron Stewart and colored by Dave Stewart, with covers by David Mack. Dark Horse Comics has provided 10,000 scratch-and-sniff bookmarks, numbered to correspond to a clue in the same-numbered FIGHT CLUB 2 issue, to select comic shops around the United States. Readers who correctly identify the scents on all five bookmarks are eligible to win the grand prize: every FIGHT CLUB 2 comic including variants, FIGHT CLUB 2 swag, an autographed collector’s edition of the FIGHT CLUB novel, and the hardcover FIGHT CLUB 2 graphic novel (available June 2016). Ten additional winners will receive copies of the FIGHT CLUB 2 graphic novel, and comics retailers chosen by winners will receive matching prizes.
Fans present for the FIGHT CLUB 2 panel during which the contest was announced were encouraged to attend dressed as Tyler Durden and Marla Singer. The scratch-and-sniff bookmark contest comes on the heels of Dark Horse Comics’ guerilla marketing efforts on behalf of FIGHT CLUB 2, including encouraging fans to contribute to the series’ mayhem with a guerilla marketing campaign utilizing the phrases “Tyler Durden Lives” and “Rize or Die” in order to win Easton Press limited, leather-bound editions of Palahniuk’s novels BEAUTIFUL YOU, FIGHT CLUB and SURVIVOR.
Source: Dark Horse Comics Media