‘The Flash’ EP Andrew Kreisberg Dishes The Dirt On Zoom

Last night’s episode of the CW’s The Flash ended on a great reveal with the identity of Zoom, if you haven’t watched the episode look away as there will be spoilers ahead.

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Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg spoke with EW about the identity of Zoom and the emotional impact it will have on Barry Allen and his friends.

“Zoom’s identity has been revealed: He is Hunter Zolomon, a.k.a Jay Garrick. How all of that plays out and what’s actually happening, we’ll leave for after the break, but we wanted to go out on this run of episodes with a big reveal, just the same way we did at the end of episode 9 in season 1, where we revealed that Harrison Wells was the man in the yellow suit. Zoom’s identity is finally revealed,” said Kreisberg.


The Flash returns to the CW on March 22 with ‘Trajectory’ and then the following episode ‘Flash Back.’

After the tragic events of the breach and Jay’s abduction, things aren’t looking good. Barry decides that he and the team need to find a way to reopen the breach and not only save Jay, but the mysterious man in the iron mask.

Flash Iron Mask

“It’s an even larger betrayal than last year in some ways because they’re all going to feel like they should’ve been inoculated against it. ‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.’…They let this person in. Part of the reason he was able to do that was because there was a hole in the center of their group, and he knew that. He was able to step in because they wanted it so desperately. Barry was missing his mentor, Wells, and here comes Jay offering to be his mentor. Caitlin had lost Ronnie, and then here comes Jay offering to be her new knight in shining armor,” said Kreisberg.

“For us, there was all of this great, delicious irony to the whole thing. It happens in a way that didn’t make them look stupid, that the reason he was able to manipulate them was because he was playing on their emotions. It wasn’t because they were gullible. They actually took precautions in the beginning – Barry locked him up right away – but all of them had that need for a center and for a new star to right their ships by. Jay’s one charming, smooth guy and he was able to manipulate them in that way,” said Kreisberg.

One possible theory on the man in the iron mask is that it’s Barry from the future, as Kreisberg said it’s “an even bigger surprise than this one” and will be a mystery to “pull you through the season”. The only thing bigger than Jay is Barry.

Who do you think the man in the iron mask is?

With eight-episode left in the season, the second season of The Flash comes to a close on May 17.

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.