Civil War Draft Results: Team Cap vs Team Iron Man

The first ever Civil War Draft: Team Cap vs. Team Iron Man is in the books. The draft was held Sunday evening on Twitter and in case you missed the rules you can find them here.

As the leader of Team Cap, I had the first overall pick and my strategy was all about building a team of warriors that were as unstoppable as they are powerful. I used my first two picks on the most powerful members of the MCU I could get and added more power throughout with Drax, Luke Cage and Groot. We may go down, but we’re definitely going down swinging.

Fellow Monkeys Fighting Robots writer Kyle Lewallen elected to be Team Iron Man and took a more-well balanced approach:

I would say since I was the second pick in the draft I tried to match your picks. I also wanted an even amount of everything on my team. That means I wanted equal power, speed, knowledge, and street smarts. I also took into account how the personalities would mesh on the team.


So who did the better job? Check out the full results.

Civil War Draft Results

Team Cap:

Captain America, Hulk, Vision, Spider-Man, Winter Soldier, Doctor Strange, Drax, Punisher, Luke Cage, Groot, Gamora.

Team Iron Man:

Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Ant-Man, War Machine, Hawkeye, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Black Widow, Falcon

So what do you think of the teams? Let us know in the comments.

Justin Chechourka
Justin Chechourka
By day, I am the Multimedia Manager for a major infrastructure project. By night, I am a sports loving, pop culture addicted, craft beer swirling, technology enhanced father of 3 small super heroes. I was a TV news producer for nearly 15 years, but I have a passion for writing. It’s a passion that is only matched by what my wife calls my uncanny ability to maintain a brain full of (mostly useless) facts about sports, beer and comic book-based movies & TV.