Anime Recommendations: Top 5 For Spring 2017

With the first few weeks Spring over, Spring anime has also bloomed as well. By now each series has released at least one to two episodes, leaving the question, “Which ones will pique my interest?” Having now watched a good majority I am left with my top 5 series to watch for the spring. Long running titles such as One Piece and Gintama will not be on the list, but titles with less than 100 episodes still have a chance.

Disclaimer: Shingeki no Kyoujin will not be on my top 5 for a simple reason. The reasoning is that it’s adaptation to anime has been poorly done. When I first watched Shingeki no Kyoujin I too thought it had promise. Where it gets lost though, is in both its conversations and overdramatization. The reasoning behind this is that the release of the series was simply too early. With not enough manga content to continuously create episodes, an anime tries to stall time for the manga to catch up. However, even with the elongated conversations and extended dramatic sequences, it wasn’t able to save enough time. Now after an almost four-year hiatus the anime returns, without enough content to last a full 24 episodes the pacing has become slow. With only gore and well-animated scenes to keep you entertained, this isn’t my cup of tea.


5. Tsuki ga Kirei

So I have a soft spot for romance anime. Tsuki ga Kirei seems to epitomize this as it shows that two people with completely different mindsets can eventually meet. LINE, the number 1 message app in Japan is the main standard of communication between the two. Starting out slow, you are able to understand the troubles they go through and feel their emotions. The only downside I can see is that they are in their third-year of middle school. It may be a bit of a turn off to some, but I find it to be humbling in a sense.

4. Yowamushi Pedal

With the continuation of Yowamushi Pedal into the spring I still do consider it a spring anime. While not new, Yowamushi Pedal’s first season was incredibly enjoyable. You always want to cheer on Sakamichi through his struggles and can identify with him as an otaku. While a bit long for some, it is an entertaining sports anime that deserves some recognition.

3. Uchouten Kazoku 2

Yet another second season anime has appeared! Uchouten Kazoku is an interesting series combining both Japanese folklore with modern-day dynamics. The first season being relatively short is a bit more enticing, but you will find yourself drawn in either way. While it did a premiere in 2013, it was a title I instantly recognized when I saw it again.

2. Natsume Yuujinchou 6

Natsume and Nyanko-sensei are back again with Natsume Yuujinchou 6. Yet another spirit related anime, there is a reason why this series keeps on coming back. When I saw the first Natsume Yuujinchou I was still in High School. Even now, I find myself coming back to it though. While not action packed, its smooth storytelling and calming music will always be a hit in my book.

1. Fukumenkei Noise

Both Tsuki ga Kirei and Fukumenkei Noise are the only true new releases from spring. Fukumenkei Noise however, had that “It” factor for me. It drew me in, wanting me to ask for more as I find myself still yearning. A music based anime (K-on club/Light music) as well as romance based, it does well at showing both aspects. Will it maintain the balance and be a true masterpiece or become bias to one-side, sinking the ship? Either way, I will continue to watch and enjoy the ride while I can.

David Harada
David Harada
A weeb in hiding by day, an avid Manchester United supporter by night. Living on both sides of the coin, David has graduated with a Liberal Arts Degree in Philosophy and Writing from Soka University of America. With a strong background in Japanese culture and being able to speak the language to boot, this man straddles the line between full-time nerd and sideline athlete. To him, as long as it is interesting he will watch it!