
All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy continues to proudly carry the Marvel cosmic torch, resurrecting one of the most crucial elements of Marvel's comics. Gerry Duggan and Rod Reis are an unstoppable force. If more of Marvel's books looked like this, they'd win a lot more readers back.

‘All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy’ #12 A Stunning, Must-Read Comic

All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy #12 finds the team back on Earth, much to Rocket’s chagrin. Writer Gerry Duggan hinted recently that the team would be gaining a new member as they head into Marvel Legacy. This issue we finally find out who it is!

All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy 12 cvr



After a desperate attempt by Deadpool to join the team, none other than Scott Lang earns himself a seat on the Milano. An interesting fallout from the events of Secret Empire, Ant-Man decides to leave Earth after having bet on the wrong Hydra horse. Our favorite cosmic goofballs decide to let him hang around while he sorts his situation out.

Aside from gaining a new member, this issue sees our heroes take a tour through some of Earth’s mightiest allies. Each Guardian shares a short and sweet scene with the likes of Doctor Strange, Cable, and even an adorable friendship between Groot and Man-Thing.

Man-Thing also provides a glimpse at the Guardians of other realities. Giving us a beautiful tease of some favorite alumni members of galaxy guarding. Each of these alternate teams, also searching for infinity stones, is a combination of classic and more recent members. I’ll never give up hope that Bug may one day rejoin the 616 universe.

Gerry Duggan has a undeniable talent for writing these characters on their own as well as a united force. This series we’ve seen him take his time with each of them with a few solo journeys. He successfully builds each character on their own, making it matter all the more once they’re together again. This might be the most chemistry GOTG has ever had as a team.

Rod Reis is showcasing one of the strongest artistic visions in comics right now on this title. He and Duggan are quickly proving to be a cosmic force to be reckoned with. All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy has seen a healthy rotation of fantastic artists, but Reis is taking it to another level.

The uncolored sketch of Doctor Strange in his astral form is in beautiful contrast to the Soul World that Gamora is taking him on a tour of. The texture of every character and how it shifts from scene to scene is extraordinary. His use of light and color splatter blend flawlessly with his sketch-style art.

All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy continues to proudly carry the Marvel cosmic torch, resurrecting one of the most crucial elements of Marvel’s comics. Gerry Duggan and Rod Reis are an unstoppable force. This is a must-read series and it’s only just getting started.

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffin
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk
All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy continues to proudly carry the Marvel cosmic torch, resurrecting one of the most crucial elements of Marvel's comics. Gerry Duggan and Rod Reis are an unstoppable force. If more of Marvel's books looked like this, they'd win a lot more readers back.'All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy' #12 A Stunning, Must-Read Comic