
Remender and Craig created something special with 'Deadly Class'. With the old and new of King's Dominion coming together, the series is better than it's ever been. We go into a four month break on the edge of our seats, butt cheeks fully clenched.

‘Deadly Class’ #31 Turns It Up Before Break

With Rick Remender beginning work on the Deadly Class TV pilot, and with a baby coming for Wes Craig, the boys take a break. No Deadly Class for four months, but not before setting us up for a massive bloodbath in issue #31.

Deadly Class 31 cvr



On the run from a pep rally gone violent, the freshmen and Petra find themselves shacked up with Marcus and Maria. Not knowing that Quan had already sold them out, the King’s Dominion alumni and students dump a bunch of ecstasy down their throats.

Having Marcus and Maria with the freshman class we’ve been slowly falling in love with makes my heart swell and expand like a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

Helmet and Petra’s relationship has quickly blossomed. Their chemistry and companionship has almost completely redeemed her for being a total snake previously. Chucking acid in Shabnam’s face doesn’t hurt either.

Zenzele had some major breakthroughs this issue. After unwillingly having some light shed onto her family situation, she partakes in drugs and even some boy kissing. The mystery of her past continues to unravel slowly, each little crumb tasting better than the last.

Quan’s shady dealings almost come to fruition, but he redeems himself after realizing his fellow fugitives are the only family he’s got. The fallout one from this issue spells inevitable doom for Quan one way or another. He’s had a quite a character arc already, I can’t wait to see where Remender takes him next.

This issue is a perfect culmination of all that the Deadly Class team has achieved. Merging the old with the new, giving them common enemies, and putting them in inescapable danger together. Rick Remender is one of the best writers in the business, his slow-release narratives are addicting and rarely disappoint.

Nobody illustrates drug sequences like Wes Craig, there’s a certain edge and flair to his layouts. All of his contributions to this series have been as crucial to its success as Remender’s scripts. They’re a top creative duo.

Heading into a fourth month Deadly Class hiatus is tough, especially given that we’re leaving off just as a gigantic storm of carnage is about to strike. There’s reason for excitement this time though; Rick will be off working on the television show for SyFy.

Deadly Class has been at the top of my list for comic book series that could realistically be successful on television. SyFy may not have been my first guess for network, but if Rick is willing to let them have his baby, I’m willing to reserve judgement.

His heavy involvement with the pilot is a good sign. I’m not saying the network doesn’t have some quality programs, I just worry about the ultra-violent and vulgarity that the comic includes being censored.

We’ll see how it goes! One thing I know for sure is Rick Remender rarely steers us wrong. In Remender I trust.

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffin
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk
Remender and Craig created something special with 'Deadly Class'. With the old and new of King's Dominion coming together, the series is better than it's ever been. We go into a four month break on the edge of our seats, butt cheeks fully clenched.'Deadly Class' #31 Turns It Up Before Break