REVIEW: Bad Idea Universes, Orange Julius, & The Mall. ‘Doom Patrol’ #7 Has It All

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Niles Caulder returns to the pages of Doom Patrol as he enlists his old team to help him invade a universe of bad ideas! But is there a secret Dr. Caudler is hiding? What is truly motivating him? Can he be trusted? All this plus a trip to the mall and Orange Julius!Doom Patrol #7

Doom Patrol #7
“Into The Scantoverse or Emotional Robots and Psychic Werewolves: A Doom Patrol Adventure”
Written by: Gerard Way
Art by: Michael Allred & Nick Derrington (pages 23-24)
Colors by: Laura Allred
Lettered by: Todd Klein

Published by: Young Animal an imprint of DC Comics

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After a brief hiatus, Doom Patrol returns and it’s a fantastic issue! Not only do we get some gorgeous art from Mike and Laura Allred, we also get to finally see Niles Caulder go back on the field with the team in a very classically inspired Doom Patrol adventure. The ideas really explode out of this issue, and it’s energy and storytelling are exactly the kind of thing you want out of this title. It’s also hysterical! Read on for 11 reasons Doom Patrol #7 is my favorite comic of the week!Doom Patrol #7

  1. First thing; the gorgeous art, panel structure and page layout by Mike Allred.
  2. The brilliant colors by Laura Allred
  3. “We’re pretty aimless right now. I mean look at us, we’re at the mall.” –Negative Man
  4. “Find me at the Orange Julius when you’ve prepared to take charge of your destiny!- Niles Caulder
  5. The Gatz’Gah’Gatz aka The Sea of Frozen Faces.
  6. The whole idea behind the Scants and their world. A universe of ‘bad ideas’ is straight out of Morrison era Doom Patrol.
  7. Dan Scram and his Gravity Pirates!
  8. “I’m crying but I have no tears! –Robot Man
  9. Niles Caulder’s description of evolution-“Evolution is really just a series of bad ideas strung together.”
  10. “Psychic Werewolves, the natural predator of evolved man!”
  11. The product known as $#!+ “Makes everything better!”Doom Patrol #7

Seriously, folks, this was a fantastically fun and funny issue! It’s pacing is great, the art POPS off the page, and it’s exactly the kind of storytelling you can only to in the comics medium. I’ve enjoyed all of the Young Animal stuff so far, but this has to be one of the best single issues the imprint has put out. Don’t sleep on it and get it!

Manuel Gomez
Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!
review-doom-patrol-issue-7Bold, funny, and imaginative storytelling make 'Doom Patrol' #7 a must read!