Mojo Is Coming Back At The Perfect Time In The First X-Men ‘ResurreXion’ Crossover

The first crossover of Marvel’s ResurreXion of the X-Men is upon us. Writers Cullen Bunn and Marc Guggenheim (X-Men: Blue & Gold) are teaming up to deliver “Mojo Worldwide.”

X-Men Mojo Worldwide

In an interview with, the two creators spilled the beans on what to expect. A classic story, with classic characters, for diehard X-Men fans. 


Cullen Bunn had this to say: 

“Mojo deals in meta-thinking the way an expert gambler deals in cards, and we lean into it in a big way. You’re going to be revisiting some classic X-Men stories, but you’ll be seeing them through Mojo’s eyes. You’ll see the Blue and Gold teams working together (and breaking up into interesting sub-groups) but Mojo is turning his eye for entertainment to the groupings as well. Every move Mojo makes has ‘meta’ written all over it, and he is inviting the citizens of the Marvel Universe to share his vision. As the story goes on, he escalates the stakes ever step of the way. More meta, more dangerous.” 

In a modern society where everyone is constantly staring into the black void that is their cellphone, Mojo couldn’t come back at a better time. If he’s going to be invading NY, he should be able to easily find a way to also secure a new planet-wide audience through technology. 

Everything about Mojo’s classic X-Men stories is oozing meta. Bunn and Guggenheim have a beautiful opportunity to tell a classic X-Men tale while also poking fun at today’s society. 

Also coming back for this story is Longshot, whom fans know from previous X-Books. He was an experiment of Mojo’s whose apparently still leading a resistance against the ratings obsessed overlord. 

X-Men 10 Longshot

There will undoubtedly be negative backlash by certain fan communities given that Marvel promises no events for 18 months following Secret Empire. However, this is going to be a contained, two-book, X-Men crossover. It’s not going to be a line wide event. 

“Mojo Worldwide” seems to be an epic X-Men classic with the potential to be a fun commentary on top of that. Even if you’re not sold by on Legacy by the fall, you can likely enjoy X-Men comics still.

Are you looking forward to the return of Mojo & Longshot? Have you been reading Gold or Blue? Let us know in the comments below!

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffin
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk