The Memory of Cigarettes And Other Thoughts On Twin Peaks Part 7

Angry faces and dirt floors liter this week’s episode of Twin Peaks. We finally get to know Diane while both Coops face down important challenges. But with an uptick in momentum, will Hawk’s investigation lead to all parties meeting in Twin Peaks?

The Case

The body in Buckhorn is likely Major Garland Briggs. Well, except for the body being the wrong age. According to the Buckhorn corner, the body expired a few days before Air Force Lieutenant Knox arrived in town and was in its mid-40s at the time of death. Major Briggs would be in in 70s…

After harsh words and some damn fine coffee, Cole convinced Diane Evans to visit with Bad Cooper in South Dakota. Once there, Diane quickly determined that the Cooper behind bars lacks a heart.


Curiously, Tammy’s investigation revealed Bad Coop’s are the mirror image of the Bureau’s files. Let’s say it all together: “Doppelganger …. Doppelganger.” Cole seemed to figured out the meaning of the prints, even if he wouldn’t let on to Tammy or Albert, but Diane definitely confirmed his suspicions. He even asked the warden to hold onto Bad Coop for a little longer.

Unfortunately for Cole, Bad Cooper had plans of his own. By invoking Mr. Strawberry and implying a few details about the warden’s business, he secured release for himself and Ray Monroe (George Griffith). If you’ll recall, he was the reason Bad Coop was headed to that part of South Dakota in the first place.

As the two left the prison, Ray seemed pretty sure of himself. One wonder how long it’ll be before he winds up dead.

Back in Vegas, the police questioned Cooper about Dougie’s car. Luckily, Janey-E was there to be awesome, pushy and answer questions. But even as she works to get her house in order, Dougie’s dealings still put her in danger. Ike the Spike appeared in the office park courtyard to take out Coop, but he sprang to temporary life to stop the hit. The Arm also appeared to make a suggestion or two about the situation.

The Updates

This week, we’re moving Hawk’s investigation to the Updates section as the pages he found last episode came from Laura Palmer’s secret diary. They literally continue a thread from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me in which Annie Blackburn (Heather Graham) asked Laura to write down that Cooper is still in the Lodge. At the time it was an exciting call-forward in the prequel film. Now, it may finally lead Hawk to what is really missing.

The pages also piqued the interest of Frank Truman. After a heartbreaking phone call with Harry, Frank called on the one other person to see Cooper after the Black Lodge: Doc Hayward (Warren Frost). Via Skype, Hayward said he saw Cooper fully dressed and walking around the hospital’s intensive care unit.

The Skype call also revealed that Audrey Horne slipped into a coma after the bank bombing in 1991. It is unclear if she is still in that coma. The Secret History of Twin Peak‘s one mention of her suggested something more miraculous and mobile.

Speaking of Hornes, Andy tracked down the truck Richard was driving last episode to its rightful owner. The owner was too terrified to speak, but agreed to meet him later. Sadly, Andy won’t learn the truth as the owner is now missing or dead. Also on the Horne front, Ben was surprised to see Cooper’s room key return to the hotel. It momentarily distracted him from the constant humming sound in the walls of his office and the continuing frisson with Beverly Paige (Ashley Judd).

For her part, we now know she was not in town when Laura was murdered and is supporting a cancer-stricken husband. Cancer gets around like the dark forces of the Black Lodge.

And in one of the most deep-cut revelations yet, Jean-Michel Renault(Walter Olkewicz) announced to an unheard caller that the family owns the Roadhouse and has for years. They’re also dealing in the town’s prostitution ring and it seems Michel’s respect for the age of consent is as rock solid as Jacques’ was.

The Questions

  1. Where’s Annie? She had roots in town, but no one is asking her whereabouts.
  2. Who or what is the spectral prospector? In both of his appearances, he’s been at the Buckhorn police station. Is he just a local ghost or is he connected to the Black Lodge?
  3. Is Audrey still in a coma?
  4. What happened between Diane and Cooper the last time they saw each other? And when did it happen?
  5. How much does Cole know about the Black Lodge? Backwards talking was no surprise to him.
  6. What is in the final missing page from Laura’s secret diary?
  7. Is the humming at the Great Northern the work of Josie Packard? She is still presumably trapped in the carpentry.
  8. Did anyone ever go looking for Jerry?
  9. No, seriously, why does everyone tolerate Coop’s inability to answer questions? It’s way beyond a Lynchian quirk now.
  10. Why was part of Ike’s hand fused to the gun he pulled on Coop?

Not about Judy

This week, we can safely say that we’re not gonna talk about Judy. We’re not gonna talk about Judy at all. In fact, we’re going to leave her out out of this.

The Memory of Cigarettes

Warren Frost’s cameo was a welcome reminder of the warmth embedded in the original Twin Peaks. Even as they tried to dirty up his character at the end of season two, all has been mercifully forgotten and we can enjoy seeing Doc Hayward one last time. Like the other return engagements on the show from dearly departed cast members, Frost’s is bittersweet before it gets to be nostalgic. And like Catherine E. Coulson and Miguel Ferrer, it is great they managed to film a few scenes before all of their untimely deaths.

Hopefully, the amount of time Part 7 spent in Twin Peaks is a harbinger of The Return promised in the publicity materials. Though the strange threads in South Dakota and Las Vegas have their charms — and occasionally hilarious scenes — it is time for the show to stop teasing the audience.

You could even say the show is quite aware of this considering the amount of dead air during the Roadhouse scene this week. That painfully long take of the man sweeping up the floor has to be an indication that Lynch knows how long we’ve been waiting to see Coop walk into the sheriff’s station with big smiles, jelly donuts and damn fine coffee.

Erik Amaya
Erik Amaya
Host of Tread Perilously and a writer at Monkeys Fighting Robots. Voice of Puppet Tommy on The Room Responds and former host of The Satellite Show. A seeker of the Seastone Chair and the owner of a Legion Flight Ring. Sorted into Gryffindor, which came as some surprise.