Laura Vandervoort, the star of ‘Bitten,’ called the Monkeys Fighting Robots hotline to chat about ‘Bitten: The Final Season,’ the future on Indigo on ‘Supergirl,’ and the struggles of producing her own show ‘Super Duper Deelia.’
Vandervoort also mentioned that she just wrapped on a comedy that she could not reveal. She expects an announcement shortly.
‘Super Duper Deelia’ is a live action TV series in development based on the children’s book written by Vandervoort.
The series follows the adventures of a plucky young girl who discovers she has superpowers on her 10th birthday and that super abilities run in her family. While learning to use her new skills in positive ways, Deelia turns to her wise grandmother, a superwoman herself, for advice and gets help from her inner circle of friends and her lovable canine sidekick Shadow, who has the ability to talk.
‘Bitten: The Final Season’ is available digitaly and on DVD.