After a few missteps iZombie’s Second Season is back to the greatness we expect.
iZombie Season Two ‘Love and Basketball’ Spoilers
The season’s plotlines are really picking up, at a pace that was actually a bit surprising. Though ‘naught a bit of Peyton was to be found this episode, we can expect that plotline to return soon, what worries me is the health of the family arc. Other than the first five minutes of the first episode of this season it has not made an impact in any way. While time apart from the family could actually benefit the nature of that storyline, I wish it had even a moment of reflection from Liv to remind us that it is in fact still alive. But enough talk of dead things, the show does enough of that.
One thing that really surprised me was the pace of the Clive/Meat Cute arc. Thanks to a certain Mrs. Suzuki we got an episode cliffhanger that might result in some serious changes to Liv and Clive’s relationship coming really soon. Clive’s FBI Agent friend (who seems to be nameless from what I can tell) is still a blast to have on-screen, but this episode seemed to hint at her involvement to Clive soon discovery of a certain dead person. My guess at this point would be a mid-season reveal of this, which kick-starts FBI’s manhunt case, and the rest of the season from Liv and Clive will focus on recovering trust, at best. Also I just noticed Liv’s name in inside Clive’s, shippers must have an easy time with that ship name.
Gilda had more of a presence this episode as well, mostly with Liv, and she felt decidedly more evil this episode. Probably because she’s actually exploiting her relationship with Liv for work, which hasn’t happened until now. She was also really hot while exercising. Gilda seemed really interesting in Liv’s romantic exploits this episode, for a reason we all know of, it’ll be interesting to see her extended reaction to Major dumping. Even if she was just using him.
Speaking of Major he seemed to be simultaneously getting better and worse. I sure hope these basketball kids stay in the narrative for a while (actually a small plotline was hinted at with curly-haired kid). However, that hasn’t stopped him working on his job, which as long as it’s around will reflect negatively in Major’s character, He did save a couple of zombies lives though. Eight of them to be exact, eight suspicious and most likely zombies, which hasn’t helped him win trust with Gilda, though I loved the Star Wars quote. Finally we have Majors new relationship with Liv. With her being helpful with the vices she’s aware of (speaking of which, when did Major tell Liv about the Utopium addiction? I guess Live put two and two together and the show just shrugged it off), it could become a health relationship like it once was… we’ll see.
The frustrating part of this episode was on the other side of the Utopium coin, with Ravi accidentally creating a zombie killer and using it to kill they guy that cut the tainted Utopium! Also all our Utopium is gone, thanks Ravi. This puts the whole zombie cure thing on the back burner for now, though I’m confident this zombie poison will make a return very soon, considering Blaine’s interest in the substance.
The mystery this episode wasn’t that bad either, that dead ends still held emotional significance, Liv’s persona was tons of fun, and it was entertaining overall. I wonder if Clive beating that guy will show up again sometime… yes, it definitely will. I guarantee it.
Overall this episode just got me excited for future episodes, and there’s nothing wrong with that.