Issue: The Awakened #1
Writer: Ivan James
Artist: Tim Jensen
Release Date: 2012
“Gabe had a late night craving for some Taco Stix®. His usual order was a sack of Taco Stix® and a large Cola Pop® with lite ice. So he was quite surprised when the universe added a hip hop spell caster and a demon who wants to kill him as well. He should have realized beforehand that satisfying his hunger meant enlisting in an adventure of biblical proportions. He probably would have eaten somewhere else…”
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
So what can really go wrong with ordering some Taco Stix®? Apparently a lot, and The Awakened is here to explore just that. Let’s start off simply with the colors, man do they POP off of every single page. I guess in the near future this creative team thinks we are going to be all neon, and well it makes this book so visually attractive. Jensen’s cast looks amazing from panel to panel. I really enjoy the look of the demons, as they come across as almost a half vampire half crazy albino. There are some scenes where things did get a little muddied up, but overall this book looks great. The story was an action packed horror/hero blast that was like a straight punch to the face. James’ writing never slowed down, and it left me on the edge of my seat throughout. I honestly was okay with how the issue ended, because it left me wanting more. So the actual writeup of what is taking place, or the back story, was just icing on the cake (it came at the end of the issue). On every level this book was a winner. It captured my attention and ran with it for a good 20 minutes. I can not wait to see what comes next, lets just hope that issue gets here soon.
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about The Awakened you can find it at